Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum
Mayor William Phelan launches
BHAQM ​new Website

Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum participated in
Mass Audobon Society's Earth Day
Quincy Chamber of Commerce Expo
​Governor Patrick's Volunteer Day at the State House 
​Quincy Environmental Network's 1st Earth Day Festival

* ​​MA State Archeologist and MWRA visited the Museum in Quincy Center
​*BHQM presented Winter Olympics slide show at Quincy Historical Society
Photo Gallery
Mayor Thomas P.Koch issues 
 US Olympic Day Proclamation in Quinc
Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum partner's with long running chain Hearth 'n Kettle
​for fundraiser
​15% $$ of meals donated to Museum.
* Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum recieves award at Discover Quincy (Office of Tourism) Annual Meeting
​David Hodgdon, (in blue jacket).
Peter Hunt joins Board of BHAQM
 (Peter is brother of
​MA State Rep. Dan Hunt)​
Boy Scouts Troop 41 (Walpole) help clean up Neponset on Canoe trip with Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum